The Elite Software D-Pipe program quickly calculates optimal pipe and vent sizes for sanitary building drain systems with a virtually unlimited number of pipe sections. Existing drainage systems can also be analyzed because D-Pipe allows the designer to fix the size of any and all pipe sections. Besides sizing reports, D-Pipe can also print a complete bill of materials showing both labor and material costs. Branch, sewer, and stack pipes along with branch and stack vents are automatically sized in accordance with the UPC or IPC code. D-Pipe also has provision for sizing pipes using codes different from standard. In fact, you can define and maintain as many sizing code files as necessary. D-Pipe is very easy to use as it contains built-in data concerning fixtures, pipe materials, and pipe fittings. D-Pipe does allow the user to maintain various material files, and each material file can contain up to 96 different fixtures, unlimited pipe fittings, and 60 material types.